THE 'Xj OTJISTAJISr 8 AU-BOW L-DECEMBER 33, 18801: Pan tba LUt of Jurora, lor Ibaria IfKWOBLEAWS. Joint aud (Coirotrn. GZ 0 No. 74: St. Cliarlct St.
GIFTSC NSW OHELAltBv 'OB- EEO.Y.IiSn The Christmas Holidays! Now that Iba good o'd Holiday time ud tLb waavao for m. rry making and alehaegtng or Uifta ia at band, there mar be found at the tatabltah-mmt of a an. wirrpi, ia-teen Union and Oravier. New Urle-atna. Keep ntty on band a large aaserment of IIOliSKS MULES.
.1 mid GacniMbwd as rrprwttd. 'noM a' mrUBat "AKOUttlKB. BI (KilES, sal, MrVIE. C. J.
BOURGOIN, SUCCESSOR TO U. i Cwrarr "lalai tret Maid 4 hMrrht AlUy, Nrw Imcrla, Many beaatilnl and praotona tblnga for roodly -gift Maty noma oaar tbe Jl A Jlost ST. CHARLES NURSERY, ni' JOIIW F. C. WALDO.
HIUIT TREES IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. eaches laara from tlia ancient towaa of Lea don aad I'arta, where tbey hare bean ael-cted with SCIEiNTIFIC Hon rf, Z. llonae snd Beilding Plants. Khrn bberv eepeeial eara. Tboaa who bara a deaire to porcbaM, will Bird PIIESENTS FOR LADIKS, PRESENTS FOR UENTLEMEN CITY DEPOT -No.
6 Carond.let nt IVavsr on.UlKET TEt DEPOT, THE MEDICATED GIASS. Yon om get a pair of anartacle tbat will keep yonr ayes in aa good condition forever sfler a hee flrt yon one them These Medicated Ol.e have been thoroughly examined aad analysed by Prof. Berger, the great Preach oculist, end lr. Carl Hollander, ths famous German oeulist. aad prooonnoed a lar superior to any glass aa yet made, and recommended as the only gUases to be oaed to are the eye.
Aaerioaa oculisU olaim that the Medicated (it awes hsre no equal, and tn aomo osaea restore lbs eya to Its original sight, when Used io time, snd la case can tbe ey become impaired by the ne of these glasses, tf properly adapted, lor the following reasons 1. Tbe chemicals soften fie light to tb aye. completely doing away with thai tfreaome aensatlon that n.nally experienceil in rsing glaases after on or two a a "utr-tl, HRW OMLEAS3 frrrnlrly Parr It rtl anil 4.ronnl ol All Urndm H4Vn an Tin. PKESEXTS' FOIt CHILDREN, IN GREAT 1,11 U.I li n. EOl IS Novelties of Every Description Sash, Blind Door AT 1'IUUKS WAY DOWN UNDER THE SAND.
MILLINERY DEPARTMENT IS NOW COMPLETE, 3. Tba medicated properties contained the glaaa make it as hard as a diamond. It will retain ta polish aad never beoorae dull or dim, haooe jrow will always see thro-igb it as bright aad clear aa at Brat. S. The chemicals keep the glaaaea cold as ioa result is, your optic Bertes slwaja oool, doing away with any feverish sennitinn to the eye 4.
These Dlkaaea have no iual for night reading or sewing. Witb tbem yru csn sit np alt night, and the light haa no effect na tba aye, with no tiresome sensation whatever, which necessarily continues to improve tb eye. wssnit all ayea and warrant enr wmk, or money refund-d IVrsooa living st a distance, desiring the Mediated 01ss, can be fitted by sending address with postage stamp. Tbe Mad tested Glasses eia only ba bad at 71 BL Charles street, ss we hare no agents. U3r do we employ peddlers.
Grannlatnd snd core en red witbont the use of knife or o'ber extreme measures. HERC. MO LTS ART, CilKSCF.YT CMT srFCT.tCLE FAUTOBY, ROBERTS Proprietors, No. mi, 305 n.l;io7 ORAVIER STREET. NEW ORLEANS.
rioriiiK, leilHig. Etc. TuilH-ly BRANCH OFF1CE.VJ CAR )MI)i; KT HOT. CElFPWiFF.T. Not 11 3m 7 St.
Cbmrlet M'onderful DISCOVERY, Street. Wew Orleina. ete. FLRTLLIZINU al ACUINE.S. "ti Wagon, ol dilT-renl rrailea and prirea C.
riFFET'S AND A II I KT STORE. TOY Orleans Planing MILL, No. BASIN hel. JULIA AND OIR( NEW ORLEANS Roi 31 MenhHnioV and Dealers' Kvohanire. Flriin, Otlliiy, Ttetildiux, Etc.
Nov Conic i aeaaaaa. al .7 SAI.l3 STAlSI.Tns na seedling; Knee. Greou- and Vines. ifir. I ia I.
-Splrea of nil Utnala. a .71 Duck's Brilliant STOVE DEPOT, II HALLEli, rioj.riMrn. t'nmn i 44 New Oi leans. La. THE NEW IMPROVED BUCK'S BRILLIAINT STOVE IS THE Beet Cook Stoye Made.
OliR TOY DEPARTMENT has been thoroughly repl-niahe. for the HOLIDAYS, sod em arenas RVEKYTHING ia tha line, which we will sell cheaply Our BABY CAR RlAGKSate superior to any ever before off. red in tbia ma kat, being -trongly bnilt handsomely noiahe.1 and so oonatrncted that ibey WILL NOT on Ibe roughest grouad. Tbe Public ra cirdnlly inrueil to give a call a enlr tie attire, which, remember, is now 11 (snul Blrr-rt lit I'ec NEW OltLEANB. C.
PIFFET. I tnvHe the attention Of the Ladia PTHlCHAfelES rThe Latest Style at Sct acbancc t0 2 Everybody a p' ranrtr of all kinJii of Staple mi Fancy Orocericn 7 a CllOiCC WlIlCS ailtl LlnorH, ToljaCCrt ftntl L-ipaTS, Call DO wn at the of O. HOUKOOIN, corner of Main and Uritlijc utrcts, wherec a man lias to 0 J. P. SARRAZIN, Steam Tobacco Manulactorv, Biuokiug Tobaooo.
Snnff, Cigars, Chewing Tolaicco and Pipes rf .11 kief. 91 and .3 CUAKTRKS. Cor. Contl. and no POYDRAH, Cor.
Tcboupitoulas (its. NEW ORLEANS. Mr. A. CESSAC is Traveling Agent for the bouse.
Librrml Uimmnt mllomd tin trade. Jau 6 -y In? seen tliere, and siiccssfully get ilodletf IlrotherK, Nott. 20 UNION NEW ORLEANS. between St. Charles sad Carondelet streets.
MANUFACTURERS ol svery description of WAGONS and CARTS, Cane a.oia witU them in time to attend three and four rn'ile Cane Carts, Beef Cirta, Rio Carts, Bagasse Carta, amall Carta Mna motnit of money joa all siaee, Axle Grease, bpokes, Felloes, only suooessfnl ms bine ia aae." Cotton 01 tiie very iotit kinu, tiian a Every liRILLIANT STOVE is guaranteed to give SATISFACTION, or the MONEY ia returue.1. WHOLESALE AND UKTA1L DEALEli IN ALL KINDS of Conking and Il.att.'ng Siovea of tba most Improvwl Patterns. Plain aud J.ipanoed Tin Wre Mampel Tin Tinned. Enamela.l an I Turned Hollow Ware. Kiro Orates.
Ursas Hand Ismpa an I Hnmersof all kinds.Bathing Tubs of 7. no and Tin, Clay and Iron Furowwa. ai till Stove. Spoon aad orus of varion patterns. Silver Plated are Tible Conn Mills.
Fluting Machines, Clothes Wriugers, Rinirnn Wshin icbinea, Tinner's Mot nf all kiuda, Urajilte Iron re. LARGEST A ACTUUEK IN TUE SOUTH Plain and apanned Tin Ware. t)n all (iooda ru innta'turd by me I frnsrantee prices aa-aloat any mannfaotitrer ia the I'ntted Svitea. H. XfjiVlaAaB Jl.
-Price Uot nenl oh Npplia-atiott. The BUOKS RRILLIM1' STOVE-l are sold P. A. Uupur, Ne iUria; Leiuonter, WashintMi A it nkin: E. A Simoneand.
Jeanerette aovil LnaDnn Nor 2f. J. sfa No. Caroiidelel and Irraviaa stieola, NEW ORLEANS Carriage nd Barnes. every stjle used in tb So tl eru market.
Horse Blankets, Lap Hot. Whips, etc Also, large aaaortmen ol Children Carriages an Boys' Vetoes can pnll. "Wo advise vou, ADQ ARTEKS FOR NUTS, at InCOH that Will hlimriso 1 llift pedes. All lor aale at the loweat markc price. Tblsis tbe aad most reliant RICE, BORN 8c oarrlavt aetablishmantjiB the ttonth, maou fantiirins their and caaranteeikg ever maee thev tell.
lie. 1(1 J. A HI si CANDIES AT 25 CENTS PEIS POUND. 30 4Q It 50 60 pariah, in onr Snpplairraot It lata ba rarrattad Ibat I tbia diaeae baa mado lt appaarant Id tbla. laca-.
But f- of tbe oaana, hoi erer, ara 01 a malignant cliaraetar. Tbe d-tot a ara anccwfnlly raatling witb W. The Hmmrr John it. Tbe Cbaaibta ia a Hrat claai vawaal, ef- dh rrgniar tripa b-twM4i onr b.y.a and New r)ena. Sba aollcil- iba IraighU of onr ninreliaata lid plant'-r'.
JWKia.ydf Ibari, Chriatmaa ill ba celebrated l)laear in ao Qtirtcf-ptionabl) iopr Iva niana-r at ibeCatbuIio Cbnrrh on St. Vttr atri. lUi a grand mid uigiil anaia on tbnaimaa ara, wa laara that many of lb moat arenmpliabad miiaieiana of tbia aaolion have pmuiaad tbair and the programme ur miaa. to ba ex'raordinaitly atiraotiar. fvornai tn another oolama will be -nad Ibe advertisem*nt of or m.Mit au- larptlung grorjaty mereliant.
Mr. C. a. Buurg io, Itoatixl 01 Ibe corner of M.ia ana ntinae etreaf. to whioh wa invite raiH-cial attention.
Br tbe bank a of a cortain baron. a a certain crowded a treat. I oler a aijrr-board, where yon Cc-iYe I tbinc to aat tireeU wall each feliiw-srea'ure On cvrrjbiHlr equina It a tiff go. bate beaeaoh yoa, 1H go eleewuere for milo. By reading down aaeh capital.
1 naine ton 1 ben rill know full all. lltrlUA laxKiKATION StKIETT. Kh)m or Inicau IaMioatiuiN HtMrrr i Naw Ibaria. 1., Itj pi. ImmigralioM Kim i.
tj mat thia day at ll.Ml mil mi limMni. Ilia 1 hMa i. a al ma leaular,.. rsu illl I 1. I reMtetii; Ma-iia.
Jame A L. I. A. ttre.ox J. Tremor, Wm.
Kramer, j. n. taa, u. irry and L. V.
Hacker. Tba mmutaa ol tt pravioua meeting war read and approved, and on motion of James Mr. A. Iee. L.
V. lia kr waa appointed Secret rj pro t-wiv, Mr. tuanu beink aloent. A Oornm iog annooooed, boaii waa rwanmed, la a debate relative to I lairjril diMiiaaion, lormg wbiib the pecuiia, ajrantacea of tbia pariah were loroiuiy iiiuaiiaiad. roooinaion, the ouowing raaoinliou, oltered by Mr.
J. II ltieui waa adopted 'mr-llne" wiv, memDaraL oe ap- 1 poiutwi. AKreai.iy which the ueu "-iuieu meaaia. yameaA. Bream.
Jma a. ie nog it. rerrr 1 01 nr. ft P. I eov, a com ml lee of tbree wna vppiinU-J todtaw np a fuiuwia ooaaUtauoa tar tle fo Cietv, on which the tooamr renlleuieo ire arapniated: Miara.
K. 8 J'erry, J. 11. rfie ann w. lraiti-r.
-a. Laa.jodp. 1 tbj moit of Mr. Than. Koatelien wa' eieoted bet of the llteria ImniiKiati-m Moot, tr On otion the miwf aijourad, to m-el again on batuidar, le Zj Hti.
V. L- l.KMi;Dt,1'. 11. ll la, bea'j pi" tern. rikiitso.
-Tne following tn tba memorandum of 10L.I n.iu I and oorreo-ed weekly Meara. IMer, I 'xa-araa-. aaa i t. I a I roftn rionr ptrm-l. rmw llTtfnR; From liaoeuber 11th to Hcembef I tb I M0 flbda aticaf 12 X.7 nu niota HaJfbbla mol Bilanr.
ii UN Total from September lat to date 19. IKHt). Hbda enar f. 4 KOU mula-aea 13t3 Hall bbla molaaeea Mi Bbla anar Hakds.imi Fobmti'bk We lat week oalled at tbe more of Mr. W.
Tebtolt, iiyai aueei, ew Ur lean ami "x-r aaw a large atork of the moat bean-nfnl furniture eaer made. It ia aalon- ifbing that aucb pieity furoitore can be old ao olie.ply. Mr. Tebanlt alw baa a foil lino of ibe cheaper (rra lea of good. oe can oil any order and meet the puree of all.
Ileeordially inritea a call ii cm purctiaeer. Stkint. Nn (un In our BotK-e ol Mr. Lonia Ginnewald, tbe preat New ih-ieana dealer in moaic and laioal iaahnmeote.we laat week wronirl, elated be aold tSe Cbickerina; piano. VVeebouid Bare aaul the Mainway.
one of tba heat pia.ioa erer made. raaklliK witk tba I layel. Weber and Knabe, which he alao aalia. ie oi thi Etc. The attention ol onrreateraia inriied to the adrert iar- ment of Ir.
Iauiig, oenliat, to be fonnd in anoiber commo. Cinibo Quinine cniea ciiilla and fever. Mal.tKiiiK Kmnna The moat aicti abla ape-ner and cure for diapepaia, ia aold by all drngKita crMera. Ai.KM. axi Canv4mskk Make from 1H to iter werk eel I mi gooU for Ii G.
KlOfcwUf A 10 Harder ritreet. Aew iorK. bend lor their Catalogue aoo term. ansui Tl Mi; oi Uouxh t.aoLB. laitora lo New Orleana will alwaya recngnize tue nnmeoae turotlure bona ol Mr.
Joe. r. Hublaard by the tall flair-etatt, imr- nionnted by a golden eagle, at tbe corner ot Kampertand I Vr di do atreeta. Hummm Oar nieichauU and planter alionld not forget to bare their job priotlng dune la ail ranee ot ibe ooming liuy aaaou. We reaped fully aolioit yotir pai rimage.
All order by mail will receive prompt aud careful attention. All iiiu'iirlee will be cbeei tally answered, and aempba of work will be arnt free of charge upon application. Addre New Iberia, La. fo aad ta.iaf.a 11 a ing recently added largely to onr already well-aeaorted at'K-A ol job type, we in form mere ban Is and buineae men of tbe Attakapaa, wanting job printing done, that tbey will bnd it to their mtereet to give na their order, aa we bare greatly reducea tbe price below tbe aeual rate D. BiiBn, Oct'Liar.
Wa take pleaaare io referiug oar readers to the card of title eminent new Orleana rent Io nian. Tboae wbo are nnfortnaately aSiieted with dieeaeet of either tbe eye or can go to bim witb entire oonli- deuce, aa none more rkilllul in tbeae necialtiea can be fonnd, nor noue mre honorable. Job 1'rintiHj From a email pamphlet to a njanim Ui poster, such aa bill bead, letter beedrt. ftatement beada. legal blank, dray receipt, taga, brieta, (Hai'ere, plai'al pampblete, hand programme, ball and wedding tickets, baJI luvitatiooa, by-law aud eoneUluiioua.
luueial notice, envelope corners, picture card of all kiuda, plain and ornamental, in all color, pnuted at Tub Job Pkim mo On ick We are prepared to execute all orders. and aaaraafer Mirta'ifc ttoa ia SU LK Ut' Oh ASI 1'lUCtS. A well aelected tick ol plaiu aud faucy atalioiiiTJ alwava oil band. JLamt for Sale. Near New Iberia, Bayon Teche and the Kailroad, 811 Hundred and Thirty ArDtol FINE LAND entire, or in lots ol taeDty f.V) arpenta and up- war Oa.
W. A. ULIifcj, Vtl'. ui New Iberia, La. prarUOalayatmof co-op- raiKm, tne piaota.a and tbe immi- w'read IclSeain0! be i.e.1 of raaobinK tbia rwoeio-' aloo loroied Uie atibieot of an aid ana- at 13 I bei INHUB.VNCE.
Creneent ittnrmnrf am el 'NtMp Kira-n, NEW KL-. oawtKraaat IM iamni, e4l C'Hah Cat pit I. I1MMMM. MM Ifira FIBK. KIVK.R AM' MAUI.Nfc HIKS K.
tAY Preaid-nt 8. B. NEW MAN Vie Pr. aidant E. Ml' Seoreury FbANClH T.
Sa'n'i Newman m1 Ksi nady Tboa A Adams Bowling 8, H-raabelia Geo. W. ben tell P. K. Mortimer Reuben G.
Huah Edward Nalla W. W. tfwaia A. II Siewerrl U. Mariuoni Cbaa.
II. lHi-ell B. F. Urlgaby Wm. A r-belp Ferd.
Marks icior Mayer Edward J. Gay AH. Monlton Wm. Con per olm M. Parker Gro.
Martin Harry Flaah J. J. Reia. Lncwn lirlery Loan Pradne Cbaa. Newman COttllHl obn Calder Wat.
R. Lyman Adam. H. P. L.
KKNUlUlkT. Naw Di. Agent lor Pariabaa of Iberia, Hi. Martin aaa tiawiawa 1 W. LYMAN, Franklin, July 4 A rent for St.
Mt Cltarter I'crpetual. X.0TJ1SXAI7A EQT7ITASLS LifelnsuranceCo. 89CAHCHDELET STREET, NEW OKLEANS. B. BKIOU8, IWdanL Vie President.
P. ELLIS, Secretary. The Polielasof the lnrtniiit KjTrraSLa Lrn tarrmaMcK CoMrANr are raa; Watered, and lb keaarve therein rteiaailtad to the orea'tt of tbe Peltry with the Aa iltnr and Treaanier of Htafce ia eompliaace wuli an Act, approved April 1077, Act to belter secure bolder al Lif I nan ran cw l'oliciea in thia Sute. to provide a resarve fond tbarafor, aad for other purpoeea." A CEKTiriCATE the Auditor of Stale 18 ANNBXED TO t-vCH PDL1CT. Tba Company baa complied with the provisions of tbe above ACT and made It NKUOM1 deposit of tbe KEUUIKKD RKKKKVR, Jannary 33.
H79. ALLEN JUMEL, Auditor. it'mtrM. PH1UP II MKNTZ, General Agent W. Morgau City.
M. at. bMll ll, Medical Eiaminer, Franklin. JULEd R. BLANCHET, Agent, New Iberia T.
1. WOOLF. M. Medical Eraminar, New Iberia. GOL'itRIKR A McNAlU, Oenaial Atrnta, Baton RongeX A.
COLOMB Agent. Itonaldaonrille. DR. J. i.
SGOTT, Mar3v-y General Agio'. Sbreveport Sun COnPANV, or irew oki.ksnh. rM mp lupltall, ASSETS OF TUE COMPANY Eatimated at their cab Market Vale 1586.29tj.2I. This old and reliable Com pan is bw. Inc policies on Fire, River and Marina risks, ea tbe most favorable terms.
All Losses promptly adj anted and settled poa liberal term at its oflioe. Si Camp sueet. New Orleans. JAWK.S I. DAT, VeaiaVat U011ACE CARPENTER.
B. bUBERblELLE. mars I a Holmitinv Aaant. OONFrJCTlONliiKS. Hitler Jt DicfinaHH, 60.
52 and 54 Booth Peter street, NEW ORLEANS. LA. WhlrNlr Confrrtionrrs, iaijer nr CALITOallA VIE8 AGENTS FOR FRANK riH CK1.ITHD rMH BOTTI.CIl BEER, R- P- DIEHL'8 CELEBS TED FIRt; W0IK8, Jmportrr oj ie vtirorauvl niMEItAL WATER, Hlrhly Rpcem mended by Phyxlrlana. lXinble Crown Braod of fancy Mned Candies in Thirty Pound Backet. Jan 23 ly lit tomatic an JLamjt FOR CZTIBS AlffD TOWNS.
THE Al'TOMATIC GAS LAMP aud LiRhKnK OF NEW YORK CITY, desire local) the attention of the pob liniin jfj tenlii "Tfc'lcgri net-ally to i hMr OMITM' Ok Lump. It is band-some in I cbeap, and tnr-niahratbe moat brilliant and economical light of any yet introduced. Each lamp is independent of all other, and makes it own gas. requiring no maioa or earrtce ppes In its operation. It can on a well a iron poets ot brsckeU.
It it designed fur lighting cities, town, rlll-sges, parks, country road" or private residences, and reqnires no kiH in ita It is not experimental, but has bean in operation in every climate in the United States snd abroad for upward of tbree years, snd given unqualified satisfaction. PESCJUPTIOIf: Tbe drawing above repreeenta the Automatic Gas Lamp. It will bold six uarta of Baphtba, which sbonld be of a gravity of 76 degree. Once tilled should last tbree or lour day. Tbe gla indicator show precisely the quantity of uapblb contained in the reservoir.
A hollow tube, which, in corn moo witb three solid rod, rapport the entire lamp, aud can be cleai.ed out when aeceamty by removing the cap. A feeding ralve.wbeu opened, allow the naphtha to descend to the generator. A water trap, inserted in its eenler, is a glass lb rough which water or any other foteifn subetaaoe mixed witb tbe naphtha is readily detected, and there ia an outlet (or all foreign sub-stance. The generator coulains a packing to absorb the from below, and forms a vapor in the chamber above, which in connection with tbe air enter ing at the hole directly beneath tbe burner, prodnces gas at the burner in nine brilliant jets. It costs to run tbe Automat it twoceots in 34 hours.
Price of lamp complete, ready to plaoe on post, lo. Ja. n. Reynold, SOUTHERN AGENT, 40i Baronne street. New Orlean.
MwcbU-U .5 a hs -J 1 2 2 1' 5 1 5 rf3M- a. 0 SPpieS OSeU Ui, wwa! "in, i t-gt era (rare et 3T sent per given, and threaten In imaeaea in price. Trwi a Since 8tordT the Trim train the Morgan road amve thirty emUr. Srr Atrirsfa. number of atranrera kave in-riiili located inM( ua.
unabe withstand the indnoeante that this Innu n'era, Taey ar tlirtrr floon, jiummm The eowjsaerciel rliity of be town dally and before be en 4 of rreeent ww 1 be sn-ira! co'inity tri-nda will greatly ia- feists' i'l't One of Ihn work Mr limWn mill, al tl.ia had hi band badly crashed. tlondar. 'J Iwitu eengbt under a teary pi I imlesr. jjiri Trip let. The steamer Eey ejet wi'h over 7iK 'it'.
eued lb lake and tap rittn I'Rhww. and added nearly yf fcoeheeds more un tb Atohafalaje. pfpfTOl Lth'trtri. Evert laborer in (k- pwriah that an bp tudeoed In Wort Wa "initia; aspect aer lb. tn eon.
Inn to in a a Una week in arced, to (i a port iod of ibtir aoney ywavsi. Tlia brf -tark'r eea-on tat beer already ar tici jsltad by aaraa of 4, Inpatient gatet about town. a Clri-tanaa eneae bnl ncc rfar, they endravor to ist aa much fna Ml nf iba vnl aa possible. Crwaiss'a a' Largr. -It reiw ted tbat Ben ah" recently eeaai.l'ed and Kbrd (lisiiile it, on lh JarrMI eW, re l'u II ant-l csiiiaa.
If n7 alranit'. if I hi i trae, that bo fdo'I baa bee made to arrest them. a Jhhrrillr c.n mo aioaa aiarkat, bow in ti route of being kail! a CJonooH -itt, A hboril a ill joa crnpii by ara. Cad A Oaif ard, aim rn bava So npMwi-ia ia hrtr maat baainaaa. fiatt Pla.
Foar arb'Mtra ar. nnar aiiknrd In cany lag aali from A wj klaud vbart- Major Burlvy, fonaaily Ma) or, ia afant ta tba Slt HiantK Coaipan' Tb aoaann nhbdaat Iba anin-ral baaa alnpped ItT'iaa aajrfMK (YanA, Jtmutn Vr. A bud' kb CbrUUMa ttr anil ba pro iad (at tba ohildraa at Walok Hall, a Jaartt, by tb oooRrrpatioa of rrabrtariaa Clinrch. All lb rbborhond la IDTliad to ftaitioipaia ia Um faatiTitina of tba oocaaio. ft! ar W(.
Tba atteutina of oar naira and otbm ia callo.1 to tba adaar-laBrn. In one of oar ooluarn. raoard tba alliD or rautiog of that nil bow brniar. ba Llfa Oak FloM. Hra aa npaniur.
aorb aa la ael.loaa met la aatabiiah a go-Mi holat ia a tlirir-mf mmmnnitv. i St FnHB Mr. lUbaid Imtarbrr. and 17 Inaiaitva rra'. Naw Crleana.
aa bav rawivad ropy KrotorWa Almanac and Gr tniaii HaoDal for ia loll of nlnabla iotarawtioa to tba Kane -rtl Mdrr. aa wall aa lo tboaa angafrad in Mnf fniila. Sow era and vegnUbbv. 1U (. aarc it ra ill ba a finely deoratd Cb rial ma.
traa in lb MfUiodi Ctnrcb bara on Cbriat-naa. fcr. Mr. Clay aparad ao aflort tanroTida for Ilia oocaaion ovorytbing tfc litlia ola nan dir, and tbe lib. trality or bi.
fiiaod haa frraaaiiod hlra aitltU airaiui aapplyina all thnr arajanda. iai I. i. P. a eubliob tliia aawk (be arvnaiiinga of tb'baria Immigration wbich "aa bald ia onr Uiaa on a thia anonib.
Wo are tlct iad i priat tba proveaditiga of mob or. fu ztuooa, and aould Iw frratarul to ba JOWariaa if Iby would band ia tbair T7" on aa tb-j can pra- Mnii. 1 ur uiTDDara or Anjaiica Tn Campany No. i mm raara, propoaa a rrj grand lrtaiDmat on fratdayof tba Naw Yaar of Tat 'tranca oa will no! ba asoaaairp. tnetsaadlnf ly jolly time nirbatt- te-tad.
It will ndo.ibtdlybneof WBoalarjoyia rraata of tba aaaaoo, would adriaa all plraaaraaaakara tUaad ItaTwr -Wa may aspaot tn a Daa Sioa, witbbia n.aniag Hooaa aad lluamis, bo aery iJj. Ue aa aibibttiar at Tbibo-- week. Tbia is ia a naw an tri ad dowTTing of every enconrag? it aomltiiiea inaliac'ion witb aaiarit. The boat it illoaiinatao lacirio liht. and tbe ataga, "B7, artiata and orcbeatra am aaid tn al, JL-ajt-claBa.
(W Camnaa Jpoay Erary wlB Uoking aroond for aaiuMe "fl prreatita for tbrir ratal iaa fctida for tbe holiday. Do Dot Ha laat day. but at ST" "tor" of y'mn- Main atraat. and aaleci from atack of grooarie Tbay are ebaiea obtomc to rverr one who or1b -f' picture alone nitblBMey arc paioed lo en- week, tbe death ol Mi. Kobert Mra.
11,11. occurred at tbe reai rVbw K. B. l)by. Iberia, on laat Sunday mon.
l- lady wM Ibly ealeenwd cinle of fhend. for her m.Dy tbe aynip.tbi.. of -monay are beamly levered b.r eaa Ulir 'real -atln tbe wmercbact Lave been uakieg PfBpara aud txicl that tba tj of uo arp pnrcbwne the aeit day or two bT a boay rtaiiteajente tar tbe grand Tbe cLi dren ebonld uot be ObCbrUtma, day. Tbe sre.t a. the aa.iit auoet adoreil l.r adaonng wilb rapid )-At bi, rea-Jem utmt JeaUer- U.
Ietllf Uar. Slyer "ao mi bonored cit ien ia "lk fo nn of yeara, and aa.i'!!''tUDff' -aJ auict at'entioo fcfcn (or yearn one j' mot oceea.fol planters ty an, d'k l'! if tirown over the 1 P'c io the heart jpaoplatalbiawct ion ia one tbat To liie family eipree. oar deej.wt ym- 11 -i 1 1 ooki; ai F. C. FF.Y.YFil, Carriages, Barouches, JERSEYS, JiUiH.IES, XliaetoiiSAiDHarness AGENT FOR AiT 8Tl'Lb bUT IS8T0CI 109 111: A I Ma MANX FACTI KER.S iF TIN AND JAPANNED WARE, 89 91 Uitmi.
597 Mscazinn Htreaf. NEW ORLEANS No. Atlnntit- White Lettil and Linseed Oil IJq New Yotk GRAVIER siTRKET, NEW ORLEANS. HEW TORt OrFIOEi 97 CHAlBr.Rl 8T. iLE AGENTS OR Star Rubber and Helling liowe's ImproreU Susies, A neon i a Br.ias aj'd I upper Co.
Fowler's Patent Ely 1'aus. ine's Crescent Hoes, "tier's Measnrinir Sieves, WnahlMirn Hlrrl Ilarb Fence Hlrr, THE Cllr.APEST AND TIIE BEST. V.t, lultP I ear aa rtntrmr-4 ImawiAH Pi ri.t.vos oita.i.vs Mi i lo irWa ma anil BKXRR MA KINO ELFEWHOiB. il I Living Pnces, to iULj pnrchaHo the good things to to his other affairs. For a can buy more Groceries, therefore, to rive him a call.
CHOICE 0AXD1ES, ill1rvf inliul.ifa lif LAND FOB SALE OS RZNT. i orm for Sale. A WELL mritOVEO FARM, als miloa below New Iberia, fronting 1J a pen I a on tba weat ride of the Tecno, and 1 at pent on tbe ea-t -with a depth ol 40 arpeuia on each aide. Itnpmaemente ooeaiat of a comfortable Dwelling Houae, Suble, large Garden and Fruit Orchard, and aooat -F0 arpenu ea-ancioael with Cypre- a Fieum Fenca). Will ba ld cbeap.
Apply to "Sugar-Bo New Iberia. Dec9 For Sate. A PLANTATION altnated two mile, aonth wat of New Iberia, containing "5 AltPtNTft, all eoolnaed witb good feno-lug. and well ditchnd. Impr.raementa ouaeiat of Frame Dwelling, witb ail room, ilioing room and kitchen, elable and crib all newly built Aleo, eeaeral line Milob Cowl For lortber parlicnlara, addreaa Sngar-Uoal oOica, New Ilasiia.
La. OctUtf lloune and Lot for Sale. A two -tary Brtok Reaidenee ia NEW IHEHIA feaat iiaof Bayoo Tacbe. near Iba Convent,) witb Iai ga reom below and hall, and a frame KHoheo wnueoud by euoloand paaaage. Tba lot of ground on main a over tbree arpent of land, baring a Servant Hoeae, old Stable, a euien bearing Orange Tree and about 30 young one.
Will be aold OK reaaenahla ternia. Addreaa, II A. HEBEKT, Administrator. Otl4 tf New Iberia. La.
Central Sugar Factory. The owner of a Bayou Tecbe aogar plantation, on wbiob there ia a central factory, ia deairon of leaning the land or forming a oo-partoarsbip with some one wbo ba the mean to caltivat tbe aame. There are on the plaoe 40 aoree of first year a tnllli, and seed cane to plant from 150 to 300 acre, or. will laeee amall tracta for a term of yrara to those wbo bare the mean to improve. For term, addreaa X.
V. "Sogar-itowl oKoe, New Iberia. July 1-7 For Sale. The GUCNOUA PLANT A TlON.oa tbe wtaide of Bayou Tecbe, above overflow, containing 9f arpent front by 30 deep, ene mile below Lore-vilie, Fausee i'oiaie, Iberia pariab, La convenient to cburcb and school. Tb plaoe h) now in a high etete of cullive.
lion, aboat 140 arpaaU of land under new fence 40 arpenta of good plant and tubbie cane, corn and bay enuogb tor neit year, good dwelling with aixrwnre, kitchen and store room, two cisterns, on ouKR7 bouse, oue ooru faouae and stable, two large double bouses for laoorers, good 01 chard, 6 young males. cart and a full (apply of farming nteoail. a lot of boga, luilcb cow and calve. Terms liaif caab, balance lu 1, 2, and 3 years, with interest. tot particular-, addreaa I).
DANIEL, Oct 7-tf Loreeuville, La. WELL IMPROVED Farm for Sale. t1 arpeots of land, all arable, 40 beiug enclosed, baTiog 4 arpenta front 00 Bayoa Tecbe, mile from New Iberia. If de-arable, more arpenta ad)otning in Ibe rear can be bought cheaply. REM.
DENCE NEW, aud ooutatna eix room, with 12 feet between floor; baa a 10 foot ball, kiuben, oistern aud two galleriea. all under one roof, boose four leet Irutn the ground, bas IS windows, and ia ceiled with dreased lumber and painted out-aide. A MILK HuUSE, with cemented Kr and trongb 8 feet long by 3 feet wide, upplied with well water by a pomp. Has a GOOD ORCHARD of 700 Oraoge Trees, fiom 3 to 10 years old. 25 bearing, about 100 Apple and Pear Trees, bearing, ytioce, Fig, Pcao Tree and GrapeVine in beartng.
Wbole front bailed with lire and gray oak. affording an abundance of fuel for family nee. Old stable and potato honae on tbe premium, price Apply at 'Sugar-Bowl oflioe. OcUtoif is Aad Southern Agnnts for the I let I rm TCNEt, UKPAIUEI). I i II a ST Pianos, STAUFFER, 71 CANAL STBEtT, NEW OQLEANS, neat csa rs MMttDUMttK, rirTLEttY.
tRO.Y, JWiiLS, AU II I IsT Ii UA E.1I KNTS. The attention of Planters and Country is invited to onr extensive, Bssortiuent of SUGrAIl PLOWS JAS. IL HALL At CO and B. F. AVERY A tHJSH.
K. Avery a. Hall A Sneer. T. E.
C. Briuly Calhoun A. Atklnaon a. Hloiint's 'Trie of ALL SIZES. And full stock of PLANTATION HARDWARE, comprising Trsce Chains, Hoes, Aim, Sa-ldlery Builders' Hardware, all lor sale at lowaet market rates.
OATsriEi aTurmLii DiaaBns Hall' Improved VON PIH'L A MALLOfH patent, rm SONIAT'-i Improved. We are alao Az-nt for BARBED FENCE WIKE. either Black or lialvatiled, and STE AM) CS PIPE aud BOIL3R TfllKS STti ircit, ma )l 71 t'anal Street, New Orleans. LOUIS milTNKWALI), (jRUNEWALD 1 1 ALL. iStciinvay, Knabe, Welter, lMevel ami Fiscber Piano.
Clouch Warren and Prlouhrt o. Orann. SHEET MUSIC and Mnsical Inatrnm.nts at Lowest Prices. Old Piano taken in exchange. Pisnos rented snd sold on easy monthly installments.
Best inducements offered and satisfaction guaranteed. LOUIS ORUNEWALD, 1 1 to i Itaronne? atrfet. Decy BRANCH HOUSE li7 CtNAL STREET. NEW ORLEANS. Trurrlrra' anlla.
KXTENSION MOKGANt LA. IT. R.R 'aat. timk Taeijt Kaat. it P.M P.M t.M 0 A.M.
1 1 1 3.4:. Brwiok ratteraonrilla. 7 10.63 11 1.5:, 3 10 i-Bayon 8ale 10 34 II 09 10 34 10 III tf.40 3o 8 15 7.4t Fraokhn a mi tfatdwiu'a I 9.4t iJ 3.05 3 4o 4.o:; 'Jeenerette I 9.30 iti.l.-. New Iberia 1 n. tt i 'Bronaaardrllle 1 a.jol K.taj 'ermihooTllle 7 6:, leli-Krapb Btationa Mail train learna New Orlun.
.1 A. am Tea at Morgan City, 13 11 leaaea Morgan City at 12.30, arriree at New Orleans at i-SO p. 1 laa aaaai.rer leaaea Naw Orla.n. 13 M.j am Tea at Morgan City. I'.
At, Franklin at 5:21: New Iberia and Vermillonaille at (t.TtK. ioa Kaat. learea VermilioaTllle at 11.07 P. Kew Iberia at 1151 P. Franklia 4i A.
and Morgan City at 3 A. arriaea at Naw Orleana al A FU1CK CUKKKPT PKIX COUItANT CORRKCTEU WKEKLV NW tlKUtaas. lec. 33, l0. PKO0U1T8 DE (Countfj Prodnce, Coro Inferior.
4 10 10J a Hi a P-Jt 3 3tj a 6 a Good Ordinary. in1 Hi low middling Uood Middling- at -aaar Interior i i 3, ill 9 ti Good Common Kair a Fully Fair Prime a Cboioe AfXaaee Inferior. i6 Fair- Prime riches. I try Salted Vertee, Green i 3. a AfoMee-Afoe Noir.blk SeaTeUoa, aoaaae fecaut.
3 75 13 3 50 3 50 9 00 5 00 2 SO 25 3 36 30 16 35 10 a FoIaillra-rtmlrry-Poolee Ponleta. 1'ullete 3 "0 a 8 00 a 4 3 00 33 a 60 Dindee, Tnrkeva, Oiea, Oeeae. Canard, Duck. "laae ttatker. Oiea.
Geeee Canard. 1 a 19 a 13 a 24 a a 1 75 60 a I a Urt Lttmt Wool Bnrry joniaiana clear Cow 'ea Whipporwill Cboioe Clay Clay PROVISIONS EtM Foriae Floor Afai Cora 2j 3 00 a 0 60 a 05 SSTABLXSHBS 1122. B.tEDWEY TI CANAL NEW ORLEANS, and 111 CUAMBERS STM SEW YORB Importers and Dealers in Koreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY (iUXS, PISTOLS, IKON. NAILS, si imuk i eui: itiiLitoti, mppmci. AVERY'H ANI II ALL'S SUGAR AXJ) COTTON PLOWS.
AND OTUKB AzriciiltnrnI Imp AtfENTS KOK A. J. llrooke a Anchor Itraiul Nails and fpiki Inland Oil Coinpinv. Cincinnati, Ohio.
1'nitod SUtaa Metalic Cartridire 1 ft iliafed line Winifuil II hll I. AT M4DE TO 0RDK1 0V2'iI EXCUANUEl), BOUGHT. I1KST Organs SEaDsMtN AND FLORISTS RICHARD FBOT8CHBB Seed Merchant, H0. 16 A 17 DDMAUE HEW 0IU.11S Merchants. Planters, gardeners an others, who are in want ol pure and re liable aeada ar repeated to rtee aa! Nor i r.
ft G.mnF.Y SEEDS a KB EVKHYTIIINO or SomIIktii Uardrn, Br MAITKE, Seedsman and Florist, titri and 976 Msaine New Orleans. Cotiutrr orders promptly attended to. Price List and (J irden Almanac sent free. Kebti-y lITrf. Foster, aARSElVSB.
and rLORIST (Seventh District, Carrollton.) NEW OhLEX.NS. LA. Fruit Trees. Shrubbery, tn-aamental Bud Orten Uoune Plants always ou band and for sale at re-vonuhle prices. Gardens Planned, Laid tint and Planted and all Shrubbery guaranteed to live aud do well.
Mfb-y llanselt, MaXtraCTVSXR OK II iltEi, 84DDLERY HitDWitB AID LEATHEI, Ii Mgaine snd 7t Common Streel. New Orleans. Consign itieiit, of llilet VJ d'c7y Pittsburg Coal. B. O.
WOOD Jt WHOI.EtUL AND KITS It, (JOALDEALEliS, Oftioe cor Camp Ji Common Streets. N. O. r-Planter supplied by tbe Boat or Barge Load, or in uoautitie to suit, with tbe beat article of Coal at the LOWEST MARKET PRICK. A eall solicited before pnrcb iing etsewbere.
Oct IK- Dr. lilff't Hntent, Artigoial Legs and Arm Prices Greatly Reduced. A McDERMOTT, Manuluoturer, 1 51 Crnnp afrrft, Opposite St. Patrick's Chnrcb, Oci-Wy NEW ORLEANS, Celebrated barter Oak Stores. jj Nov I.YFO ll.ll.l TIO.Y Ieoplu the Year IM'Tfr l.
c. Oravirr Htreet, New Orleans Ohio Valley Steel ami Iron Works. Cincinnati. Koi's Breech hot (iane. ann.i.
oieei nuns. rniiM'ieipuia i.UPOIlT.EYT For tin TECHE AND ATCH AFALAYA LINE RfcOULAU FIVE DAY PACKETS. For St Martinsville. New Iberia, Jeanerett. r'ranklin.
Centreville, Pattersonville, and all intermediate landings on Baron Tacbe and Atchafalaya rirer the new passenger steamer KEY WEST, T. K. Mnggah, Ma-ter. 1'. K.
Voorbiai, Clerk. JOHN CHAMBEBS, P. E. Burke, Master. A.
Meynier, Sr Clerk. Tbe above packets will leave New Orleans promptly ns ailvertised every alternate Wednesday and Saturday. For freight or pajwage apply on board, or to GSO. D. HI I No.
1 ti Giavier St or J. E. CAULIN. tit) Magazine beprj tf New Orleans. Sugar Barrel! KICE BtKIICLH! Having been appointed A for tbe PITTSBURG HOOP AND STAVE I aut now prepared to make contract wiih SI QAR HE1TNERS, RICE MILLERS, PLANTERS and COJPEi8 for this exoellent cooperage, now nae.1 by nearly all tbe Eastern sugar reliners, and very extensively in IxjuiMAtia.
Kor dura billty and fine tiuUU these barrels cannot be exeelled. Samples may be seen at my office and lowest rates given. 1. C. 11EKVKU, Nov l'm 1 1 Oravier eJu, New Orleans.
Lime Julio Km For Sugar House Tb best and cheapest light can be obtained by our IIEAD-LIfsIlT, a reflector unsurpassed by any in use. Sugar planters should call snd examine. No possibility of getting out nf order, or danger of explosion. Address, II. HAUsMANN.
ol3y I Pojdras New Orleao 131,17 GENUINE SINGER SEWING Were Sold in The is Machine deeiucl worthy ui imiUtiuu niKcrnjiiiious men. Buy Only thr The Kest Win, In tli- Lonir Knit. Waste- no Money nil Couiiterlfit The blNOEU COMPANY were tbe flrat reduo the prices, aud njw ,11 t0 thirds of all the Machine sold in the Luited States. Beware of persons oHering; Cbeap Imitation Machines as the Oenaine Sinirer. ti KR MtNLTACTLKIN'i NEW ORLEANS.
Ibread, Newlle ajil i inUiua couatautlv on baud, at all kinds of repairn made by a skillful mech.ui.;, at our fc RANCH OFFICE, No. ti Mun Street. Novri Om ntw IBERIA, LA. 47 a 43 30 a 65 'io 11! 101 16 00 a lti 5t) Si a 10t. 11 10 Hi ef 'i a 2 30 a 3 45 1 00 a 3 50 11 I 25 a 1 50 a 8 50 11 a Hi 2 3 1 40 a 1 45 1 02 a I 05 3 60 a 3 75 2 50 a 3 00 3 50 a 10 Ot Atoin Uatt.
Aoa fom-Faf CaftCoftt Pork Qxul Nkoaidrr bugar-C tired, bVaaaar LmrtL. Tiorjou. Keg Fana Afaia-tora litl WkUktw Btmrr. Butter Oueat, Western Goahen Pommtf. dt Trm- 'ota'oea Cntdellm Caawtie 4awdei Fm Salt, Fine Groa, Coarae Oigmont Onions Poaaavw -itpplaa Caoax Cttiixwe Fromajt Cfittt E.t ivs a- COMMISSION IVI3Z3XLOIIJCsTTS a Specialty I inakft lihml fttah mkanoM nn SaffAP and frUssi Pr.nt..r,ni,l t.
Itur II LAWS oV Jaa 51-y.