Vodoun Symbols for Their Gods (2024)

Vodounreligious practices commonly include appealing to the loa (lwa), or spirits, and inviting them to temporarily take possession of (or "ride") human bodies so that they may communicate directly with believers. The ceremonies commonly include drumming, chanting, dancing and the drawing of symbols known asveves(vevers).

Just as specific colors, objects, chants and drum beats appeal to specific loa, so to do theveves. Theveveused in a ceremony is dependent upon thelwawhose presence is desired. Veves are drawn on the ground with cornmeal, sand, or other powdery substances, and they are obliterated during the ritual.

Veve designs vary according to local customs, as do the names of the loa. Multiplevevesgenerally have shared elements, however. For example, Damballah-Wedo is a serpent deity, so hisvevescommonly incorporate two snakes.


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Vodoun Symbols for Their Gods (1)

He is a water spirit and is of particular interest to seafaring people such as fishermen. As such, his veve represents a boat. Agwe is particularly important in Haiti, an island nation where many residents have depended upon the sea for survival for centuries.

When he arrives in possession of a performer, he is met with wet sponges and towels to keep him cool and moist while on land during the ceremony. Care has to be taken to keep the possessed from jumping into the water, which is where Agwe prefers to be.

Ceremonies for Agwe are commonly performed near the water. Offerings are floated on the water's surface. If the offerings return to shore, they have been refused by Agwe.

Agwe is commonly depicted as a mullato man dressed in a naval uniform, and when in possession of another behaves as such, saluting and giving orders.

Agwe's female counterpart is La Sirene, the siren of the seas.

Other names: Agive, Agoueh, Met Agwe Tawoyo Loa Family: Rada; His Petro aspect is Agwe La Flambeau, whose realm is boiling and steaming water, most commonly in connection with underwater volcanic eruptions.

Gender: Male

Associated Catholic Saint: St. Ulrich (who is often depicted holding a fish)

Offerings:White sheep, champagne, toy ships, gunfire, rum

Color(s): White and Blue


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Vodoun Symbols for Their Gods (2)

Damballah-Wedo is depicted as a serpent or snake, and his veves reflect this aspect of him. When he possesses a human, he does not speak but instead only hisses and whistles. His movements are also snake-like and can include slithering along the ground, flicking his tongue, and climbing tall objects.

Damballah-Wedo is associated with creation and is viewed as a loving father to the world. His presence brings peace and harmony. As a source of life, he is also strongly associated with water and the rain.

Damballah-Wedo is strongly associated with the ancestors, and he and his companion Ayida-Wedo are the oldest and wisest of the ​loa.

Ayida-Wedo is likewise associated with snakes and is Damballah's partner in creation. Because the creative process is seen as shared between male and female, Damballah-Wedo's veves generally depict two snakes rather than just one.

Other names: Damballa, Damballah Weddo, Da, Papa Damballa, Obatala​

Loa Family: Rada

Gender: Male

Associated Catholic Saint: St. Patrick (who drove the snakes out of Ireland); Sometimes also associated with Moses, whose staff transformed into a snake to prove the power of God over that wielded by Egyptian priests

Holiday: March 17 (St. Patrick's Day)

Offerings: An egg on a mound of flour; corn syrup; chickens; other white objects such as white flowers.

Color(s): White


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Vodoun Symbols for Their Gods (3)

Ogoun was originally associated with fire, blacksmithing, and metalworking. His focus has transformed over the years to include power, warriors, and politics. He particularly likes the machete, which is a common offering in preparation of possession, and machetes are sometimes featured in his veves.

Ogoun is protective and triumphant. Many credit him with planting the seeds of revolution into the minds of Haitian slaves in 1804.

Each of the many aspects of Ogoun has their own personalities and talents. One is associated with healing and is seen as a combat medic, another is a thinker, strategist, and diplomat, and many are machete-swinging warriors.

Other names: There are a wide variety of Ogoun aspects, including Ogoun Feray, Ogoun Badagris, Ogoun Balingo, Ogoun Batala, Ogoun Fer, and Ogoun Sen Jacque (or St. Jacques) Loa Family: Rada; Ogoun De Manye and Ogoun Yemsen are Petro

Gender: Male

Associated Catholic Saint: St. James the Greater or St. George

Holiday: July 25th or April 23​

Offerings: Machetes, rum, cigars, red beans and rice, yam, red roosters and (non-castrated) red bulls

Color(s): Red and Blue


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Gran Bwa

Vodoun Symbols for Their Gods (4)

Gran Bwa means "big tree," and he is the master of the forests of Vilokan, the island that is home to the lwa. He is strongly associated with plants, trees, and practices associated with those materials such as herbalism. Gran Bwa is also the master of the wilderness in general and thus can be wild and unpredictable. Temples often leave a sectionto grow wild in his honor. But he is also big-hearted, loving, and fairly approachable.

The mapou(or silk-cotton) tree is specifically sacred to Gran Bwa. It is native to Haiti and was made nearly extinct in the 20th centuries by opponents of Vodou. It is a mapou tree that is seen as connecting the material and spirit worlds (Vilokan), which is represented in the courtyard of Vodou temples by a central pole. Gran Bwa is often also seen as a guardian and protector of the ancestors who have always traveled from this world to the next.

Hidden Knowledge

Healing, secrets, and magic are also associated with Gran Bwa as he hides certain things from the prying eyes of the uninitiated. He is called upon during initiation ceremonies. It is also within his branches that the serpent Damballah-Wedo can be found.

Lwa Family: Petro

Gender: Male

Associated Catholic Saint: St. Sebastian, who was tied to a tree before being shot with arrows.

Holiday: March 17 (St. Patrick's Day)

Offerings: Cigars, leaves, plants, sticks, kleren (a type of rum)

Colors: Brown, green


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Papa Legba

Vodoun Symbols for Their Gods (5)

Legba is the gatekeeper to the spirit world, known as Vilokan. Rituals begin with a prayer to Legba to open those gates so that participants can gain access to the other lwas. The veves of these other lwas are often drawn intersecting the branches of Legba's veve to represent this.

Legba is also strongly associated with the sun and is seen as a life-giver, transferring the power of Bondye to the material world and all that lives within it. This further strengthens his role as the bridge between realms.

His association with creation, generation, and life makes him a common lwa to approach with matters of sex, and his position as a conduit of Bondye's will makes him a lwa of order and destiny.

Finally, Legba is a lwa of the crossroads, and offerings are often made there for him. His symbol is the cross, which also symbolizes the intersection of material and spiritual worlds.

Other names:Legba is often affectionately referred to as Papa Legba.

Lwa Family: Rada

Gender: Male

Associated Catholic Saint: St. Peter, who holds the keys to the gate of heaven

Holiday: November 1, All Saints Day


Appearance:An old man who walks with a cane. He carries a sack on a strap across one shoulder from which he dispenses destiny.

Alternate Personality: Legba's Petro form is Met Kafou Legba. He represents destruction rather than creation and is a trickster who introduces chaos and disruption. He is associated with the moon and night.

Vodoun Symbols for Their Gods (2024)


What are the symbols of the voodoo gods? ›

The central elements are a heart, for Èzili Freda, the lwa of femininity and love; two snakes, for the cosmic snakes Danbala Wèdo and his wife Ayida Wèdo; a boat, for Agwe, the lwa of the sea; a cutlass (sabre), for Ogou, the lwa of war; and a cross, for Papa Legba, the guardian of crossroads.

What is the symbol of the Haitian god of love? ›

The most common symbol that you will see is the Erzulie Freda Veve. This symbol according to Exemplore, "is the goddess people view as the most beautiful and the one who can help with love and romance. Erzulie Freda embodies love and is the spirit of beauty, jewelry, dancing, luxury, and flowers.

What is the difference between voodoo and Vodou? ›

Vodou originated in the ancient kingdom of Dahomey (present-day Nigeria, Benin, and Togo) and derives from the Fon word for "God" or "Spirit." Other accurate spellings include Vodun, Vodoun, but never voodoo, the sensationalist and derogatory Western creation.

What is the symbol of the Loko voodoo? ›

Papa Loko: The Keeper of Vodou Traditions

His vèvè, which depicts a snake coiled around a vertical axis and a cane, symbolizes his role as the protector of ounfò, the Vodou temples. Papa Loko is widely respected by practitioners for his influence on preserving the ancient customs and beliefs within Vodou.

What are the 12 gods symbols? ›

HeraJunoCow, Peaco*ck, Lion, Diadem, Goatskin Cloak (Juno)
HermesMercuryWinged Shoes, Caduceus, Cap of Aidoneus, Herald's Rod, Blade, Shepherd's Pipes, Cattle, Hare, Hawk, Tortoise, Crocus, Strawberry Tree
HestiaVestaFire, Hearth, Donkey, Altar
PoseidonNeptuneHorse, Trident, Bull, Seafoam, Dolphin
10 more rows

What is the strength symbol in Voodoo? ›

In voodoo, the python is a symbol of strength - the devotees explain they are relying on Dagbe, the spirit whose temple this is, to give them the power to change.

Who is the god of Vodou in Haiti? ›

Voudon teaches belief in a supreme being called Bondye, an unknowable and uninvolved created god. Voudon believers worship the lwa. There are in total 180 lwa in the Vodou religion, each of them carrying a name and, a specific and exclusive function.

Is Papa Legba good or bad? ›

Other West African beliefs about him place him as a healer and protector, particularly of children. Of course, there is also the widely held belief in Haiti and New Orleans that Papa Legba is akin to a kindly grandpa, able to communicate with anyone and acting as the great bridge between earthly and spiritual worlds.

What do Haitian people call god? ›

Bondye in Haitian theology

Teaching the existence of single supreme God, Vodou has been described as monotheistic. This entity, the creator of the universe, is called the Bondye or Gran Mèt. The word Bondye is derived from the French Bon Dieu ("Good God").

What are the angels in Vodou? ›

These lwa are also known as the mystères, anges, saints, and les invisibles, and are sometimes equated with the angels of Christian cosmology. Vodou teaches that there are over a thousand lwa.

What does the skull mean in voodoo? ›

Skulls are not only used by AGHORIS but also by Western occult. The skull has been a powerful symbol throughout history, representing death and mortality, as well as wisdom and protection. It is no surprise then that it has become an important part of many spiritual practices, including Wicca, voodoo and witchcraft.

What are voodoo spirits called? ›

Lwa, also called loa, are spirits in the African diasporic religion of Haitian Vodou and Dominican Vúdu. They have also been incorporated into some revivalist forms of Louisiana Voodoo.

What is the religious symbol of Vodou? ›

A veve (also spelled vèvè or vevè) is a religious symbol commonly used in different branches of Vodun throughout the African diaspora, such as Haitian Vodou and Louisiana Voodoo. The veve acts as a "beacon" for the lwa, and will serve as a lwa's representation during rituals.

What is the death symbol in Voodoo? ›

Veve of Maman Brigitte, the loa of death in Haitian Vodou. Religious symbols of death and depictions of the afterlife will vary with the religion practiced by the people who use them. Tombs, tombstones, and other items of funeral architecture are obvious candidates for symbols of death.

What is the symbol of Papa Legba? ›

The symbol includes several keys which signify Legba's control over communications and forms of passage, including locks, gates, and passageways;it also includes a cane, as Papa Legba is generally depicted as an old and feeble man in the Haitian religion.

What are the symbols of dark gods? ›

The common symbol of the Dark Gods is a star with five points that look like hooks or claws. These five points represent the "Five Troubles", which are believed among the Ae'ada to be the original negative concepts which Ehyeh purged from themself at the dawn of time.

What are Voodoo spirits called? ›

Lwa, also called loa, are spirits in the African diasporic religion of Haitian Vodou and Dominican Vúdu. They have also been incorporated into some revivalist forms of Louisiana Voodoo.

What are the symbols of Papa Legba? ›

Symbolism of Papa Legba

Papa Legba's veve is composed of things most closely associated with him, including the colors red and black, keys, and a cane. The cane is included in Papa Legba's symbol because he is often depicted as an old man.

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